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Artist Duo

Two Hold Studios brings two distinct design perspectives together that result in a unified vision of dreamy and comforting whimsy. Alexander Clinthorne and Kimberlie Wong first met in 2011 during their Bachelors of Fine Arts Program. Since then, they have both gone on to develop eclectic bodies of work in their own disciplines. Working to each other's strengths, each product is a one of a kind amalgamation of careful hand-pinched and hand-painted collaboration. 


Two Hold Studios is based on the island of Oahu. They can be found online at their etsy shop (formerly on tictail), and in numerous galleries located in Hawai'i', Montana, California, and Michigan. All galleries are listed on our Stockists page.


Awards: 1st Place in the 2nd Annual Cup Aesthetics Show

Featured: Swedish Elle with Sandra Beije | Mondern Met: Modern PlantersBrown Paper Bag: Illustrated Goodies |  Brown Paper Bag: Pondering Planters | Brown Paper Bag: Creative Products | Brown Paper Bag : Illustrated GoodiesNão Me Mande Flores | Frankie Magazine 


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It takes two


Alexander Clinthorne

Sculptor + Musician

Alex received his MFA at Montana State University. He is also a musician and has been featured on Invisibilia and can be found on Spotify- Tsioue.


Kimberlie Wong

Illustration + Design

Kimberlie is a graduate of Art Center College of Design where she received her BFA in Illustration. She is a freelance illustrator.

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